
3 Signs You Need To Do Pilates

If you’ve experienced any of these 3 things, it’s likely that pilates will be your answer. 1. Back Pain If you suffer from back pain, knowing the right pilates exercises will give you relief. Pilates is famously known for developing core strength. Although, training the deep core muscles and gaining a six pack is not

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Stuck In A Rut Healthwise?

Get Back To Your Best Shape in 5 Steps No doubt you know what it takes to get healthy and live a healthier life. You know you should eat more veggies, exercise regularly, cut out processed foods and find ways to reduce stress. But the truth is, it isn’t easy to change ingrained habits. And,

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Family Roast with Apricot Glaze

There’s something special about preparing a roast for your family. I love preparing a meal like this, knowing that it’ll bring us all together when it’s ready. The bonus of this recipe is that it feels a little bit special without being time consuming or complicated. Simply make the marinade, then arrange the veggies and

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My Favourite Props for Pilates at Home

It can be so daunting to know which props you’ll need when you first start out with pilates, but it’s super exciting too! I’ll let you in on a secret. I use props to keep me from getting bored and losing interest. Plus, the right prop can make the exercises much easier and this is

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Trio of Smoothies

Smoothies are such a quick and easy meal or snack and a great way to add in extra veggies! Load them up with veggies like cauliflower and spinach (Yes, it really does work!) and you’ll be adding important micronutrients and antioxidants which will boost your immunity, cell function and detoxification. These three smoothies also contain

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Self care is not a luxury – It’s essential

All too often we rush around and even when we’re not, our mind is whirring a thousand miles an hour! Learning to slow down has been a priority of mine for the past few years and here are the benefits I’ve noticed in my own life.  Better Focus – Taking time to reset and recharge helps

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Do You Know A New Mum?

This program has been created for her and would make a special gift! Have you ever given a gift that changed somebody’s life? We’re constantly amazed by the feedback we get from women who try ‘My Pilates Time’ for the first time. “I have finally found something that makes my body feel good and creates

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Mindful Living To Find Purpose and Peace

Through mindful living, you’ll be able to enjoy the moments, find more happiness, joy and purpose. Here are some ways to build habits of mindfulness.   A Morning Ritual – As the day is just beginning, sit quietly with your cup of tea and decide how you want to show up for the day. Start

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Pelvic Floor Pilates Class

No matter what your stage of life, having a healthy pelvic floor is essential!In Pilates, we often focus on the core, and this usually includes exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor.Pelvic floor strength will help stabilise the pelvis and support the organs of the lower abdominal, such as the bladder and uterus.Most of us have

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Live classes are game changers. Here’s why.

I’ll let you in on a secret. The first time I decided to host a live online class, I was so nervous! The truth is, I didn’t sleep much the night before because I was so worried about how it would go. I was terrified that the tech wouldn’t work for me, (well, actually to

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The Joy of Slow Living

There’s nothing quite like that first quiet cup of tea in the morning! Camping this week, I was able to sit by this lake and soak it all in! The bird song was incredible, the lake changed colour every moment and the cool mountain air filled my lungs and soul.     My message for

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No Pain, No Gain?

I bet you’ve heard people say, “ No pain, no gain”. I hear this all the time, and it’s such a shame that women believe this. Let me show you the problems with this thinking.  Firstly, who wants to be in pain? It doesn’t sound like fun to me! I can’t imagine the level of

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Hello. I’m Beth. I help women get into the best shape of their life with Pilates. I got started with Pilates and became interested in health as I saw my own life improve as I learnt how to nurture the key components of health.

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Get Strong legs with moves you can do in the Kitchen

Some of us want to feel more steady on our feet when walking, others are looking for strong skiing legs and some of us what flexibility to get up and down easily when playing with our kids.

I’ve made a quick video that you can do in the kitchen, while you are waiting for the kettle to boil! These moves really do help tone and strengthen your legs and toosh!

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Have the wobbles?

Feel strong and stable with good balance. Pilates can help! Ankle strength, a strong core and stable hips will keep you balanced and centred.

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The ‘ All or Nothing’ Approach

I see my Pilates clients do best, when they are kind to themselves and listen to their bodies. Learn to eat and move intuitively. A balanced approach to exercise, taking into consideration your lifestyle, commitments and timeframe will set you up for success.

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4 tips for getting the most out of Pilates

Pilates has helped me to understand that Pilates can achieve many beneficial outcomes. Of course, there’s the desired physical outcome of long, lean and toned muscles, a strong core and increased flexibility. Also, the emotional benefits of a healthy mind and clear head are outcomes that also flow from your Pilates practise.

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March Printable

I still love to hand write! Use this little chart to note down your thoughts and goals for a healthy month! Click here to download. Beth

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