

Hello, I’m Beth!


I first discovered Pilates when my two children were quite young. I found it so relaxing, and at the same time noticed huge changes in my body. My lower back pain was gone, I felt strong confident. I studied Pilates to become an instructor at Polestar Pilates in Sydney, Australia. I loved studying the body and was continually fascinated by the power of movement to heal and the connectedness of our bodies.

I now teach Pilates classes in Queenstown New Zealand to people of all ages and fitness levels. I love seeing clients start to become aware of their bodies, just as I did when I first started. I  also provide online pilates classes to people just like you.  Whether you are just starting out, or have been doing Pilates for years, you will find someone just like you in our community.

These pilates videos give you the tools you need to get moving in an effective way – helping you feel great and recharged.



Pilates has quickly grown into one of the most popular forms of exercise and stretching.
Pilates is suitable for all ages and fitness levels. Pilates improves:

TICK Strength         TICK Flexibility        TICK Coordination        TICK Posture        TICK Body Tone

Participants also develop a mindfulness of their own body, becoming self aware of how they sit or stand or move. These skills transfer to everyday activities allowing better movement and posture when driving a car, working at the computer or weeding the garden. Pilates exercise focuses on breath which works to assist movements and helps connect to deep abdominal muscles developing a strong and flexible core.


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