Get Ready for the Slopes
Get your body ready for the slopes with these exercises to feel strong, balanced and reduce the chance of injury.
Get your body ready for the slopes with these exercises to feel strong, balanced and reduce the chance of injury.
I was thrilled when I realised that I could tone my body and get into shape with 15 minute Pilates sessions.
Make these 3 habits part of you day, and you’ll feel better, and look younger!
I bet you’ve heard people say, “ No pain, no gain”. I hear this all the time, and it’s such a shame that women believe this. Let me show you the problems with this thinking. Firstly, who wants to be in pain? It doesn’t sound like fun to me! I can’t imagine the level of
Did you know you can get into the best shape of your life with 15 minute workouts? I can show you how moving well and doing the right moves can make you feel your best. Pilates will tone, strengthen and energise you. And it only takes 15 minutes a day!
The best moves to maintain muscle tone are the weight bearing moves. Where you support your own weight, say on all fours. There are many exercises you can do here which are perfect.
Do you have stiff joints? These simple moves really will make the difference. You’ll notice more freedom in your body, and feel more energised.
Some of us want to feel more steady on our feet when walking, others are looking for strong skiing legs and some of us what flexibility to get up and down easily when playing with our kids.
I’ve made a quick video that you can do in the kitchen, while you are waiting for the kettle to boil! These moves really do help tone and strengthen your legs and toosh!
Can’t get the gym as often as you’d like? Don’t worry! Move with mindfulness throughout your day and see how keeping moving will give you energy, stop the aches and pains and help you maintain your muscle tone..
Here are my best tips for getting the most out of your Pilates time. Using these helpful ideas will help you make your Pilates session effective and you’ll reap the benefits of your exercise time.
Feel strong and stable with good balance. Pilates can help! Ankle strength, a strong core and stable hips will keep you balanced and centred.
I see my Pilates clients do best, when they are kind to themselves and listen to their bodies. Learn to eat and move intuitively. A balanced approach to exercise, taking into consideration your lifestyle, commitments and timeframe will set you up for success.
Helpful tips to stay on track with your fitness and health routine. Find ways to make it easier for yourself to maintain health and your Pilates workouts.
Does your body ache after traveling? Whether you travel for business or pleasure, find out how to look after your body and avoid the aches and pains.
This Pilates video will help you engage your core and strengthen the back of your body.
These few exercises only take 6 minutes to complete. Do these in the morning. What a great to start the day!
This Pilates session will get your shoulders moving, warm up your spine and engage your abdominals.
A foam roller Pilates video for you to do at home. The massage you will feel through your back will leave you feeling relaxed and energised.
Have fun on the mountain while skiing with these Pilates exercises to help your body move, twist and bend!