
No Pain, No Gain?

I bet you’ve heard people say, “ No pain, no gain”. I hear this all the time, and it’s such a shame that women believe this. Let me show you the problems with this thinking.  Firstly, who wants to be in pain? It doesn’t sound like fun to me! I can’t imagine the level of

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Get Strong legs with moves you can do in the Kitchen

Some of us want to feel more steady on our feet when walking, others are looking for strong skiing legs and some of us what flexibility to get up and down easily when playing with our kids.

I’ve made a quick video that you can do in the kitchen, while you are waiting for the kettle to boil! These moves really do help tone and strengthen your legs and toosh!

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Have the wobbles?

Feel strong and stable with good balance. Pilates can help! Ankle strength, a strong core and stable hips will keep you balanced and centred.

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The ‘ All or Nothing’ Approach

I see my Pilates clients do best, when they are kind to themselves and listen to their bodies. Learn to eat and move intuitively. A balanced approach to exercise, taking into consideration your lifestyle, commitments and timeframe will set you up for success.

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Roller Class

A foam roller Pilates video for you to do at home. The massage you will feel through your back will leave you feeling relaxed and energised.

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