I know, I found it hard to believe too, until I discovered that good moves, done consistently is the key to getting into shape and feeling really healthy. 

This totally worked for me, and I’ve witnessed this working for hundreds of other women. 

Long workouts in the gym never appealed to me. I was thrilled to learn that I could have a strong toned body with just 15 minutes a day. 

Do the Right Moves

It’s all about using the time wisely. Doing the moves that make the difference is key. Effective moves don’t need to be fancy, in fact I often go back to the basics because they feel so good in my body and get results.

Remove the barrier of ‘ I don’t have Time’

The other reason 15 minutes of Pilates gets results, is because it’s easier to commit to, than an hour workout. When you know that you can get some good exercise in, in just 15 minutes, the barrier of finding the time is removed. 

Knowing that it’s only 15 minutes a day, is easier to achieve. Finding 15 minutes is so much more do-able than carving out a full hour. Think how great you’ll feel when you have honoured the exercise commitment you’ve made to yourself. This sense of achievement will only spur you on. – And we know that consistency is vital when we want to nourish and improve our health.

Too many of us, feel guilty about failing at our health goals. We make these weighty promises to ourselves and don’t consider the impacts of extreme lifestyle changes. 

Choosing 15 minutes a day isn’t a cop out, or an easy way out, because doing this will have life changing impact. The fact that 15 minutes is achievable, realistic and can be added to your life without a massive overhaul, means you’ll succeed. 

But, what often happens is that my clients do their 15 minutes, then feel as thought the time flies and feel so good that they do another 15 minutes. It’s almost like tricking your brain. This thinking or mentality works, so why not use it!

Make it a Habit

Your 15 minutes a day will become a habit for you. Whether you decide to move in the morning or at the end of the day, it’s a good way to reset and focus your thoughts. I find the practise of 15 minutes a day such a meditative and enjoyable habit. Look at your Pilates time as a self care ritual which is a treat for yourself. 

I always feel it’s a shame when women see their workouts as a punishment for eating poorly, or an unappealing requirement to being healthy. The women I teach, who are successful, all have one thing in common. 

They enjoy their Pilates time. 

The way we talk to ourselves about movement will have a huge impact on your success. There’s only so much sheer grit and determination you can give to something that you don’t like. So, If you haven’t tried Pilates, I’d encourage you to give it a go. It might just be the thing you love!

There’s no need to complicate your health and exercise. Just do the moves I can show you that work, and learn some healthy food habits to add each week. 

Try this 15 minute Pilates exercise class with me. Click the button below and join in with me!

I’ll see you then,



3 Signs You Need To Do Pilates

If you’ve experienced any of these 3 things, it’s likely that pilates will be your answer. 1. Back Pain If you suffer from back pain, knowing the right pilates exercises will give you relief. Pilates is famously known for developing core strength. Although, training the deep core muscles and gaining a six pack is not

Stuck In A Rut Healthwise?

Get Back To Your Best Shape in 5 Steps No doubt you know what it takes to get healthy and live a healthier life. You know you should eat more veggies, exercise regularly, cut out processed foods and find ways to reduce stress. But the truth is, it isn’t easy to change ingrained habits. And,

Gina’s Story – Healing the Pelvic Floor After Having A Baby

1 in 3 Women Who Have Carried A Baby Will Experience Leakage. And to get back to where you were BC (Before Childbirth!) you now practice pelvic floor exercises with religious fervour, yet still wonder if it’s really helping and worry you’ll ever be the same again. If this is your story you’re not alone!

mypilatestime lets you add an engaging

Enjoyable Form Of Exercise To Your Life

Without Changing Your Busy Schedule!

It’s the on-demand solution for getting in-tune with your body and feeling better than ever before. You can join any class from the privacy and comfort of home – so you don’t need to make that pilgrimage (because that’s what it feels like sometimes) to the gym or fitness studio. Press play and get started – it’s that simple!

With a variety of packages, MyPillatesTime gives you access to an online library with hundreds of ready-made pilates classes tailored to your specific needs. Whether you’re a complete beginner just getting started or a seasoned pro looking to learn some new tips and tricks, you’ll get exactly what you need at the touch of a button. 




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