Get Back To Your Best Shape in 5 Steps
No doubt you know what it takes to get healthy and live a healthier life. You know you should eat more veggies, exercise regularly, cut out processed foods and find ways to reduce stress.
But the truth is, it isn’t easy to change ingrained habits. And, sometimes bad habits creep in gradually over time, without us even realising. Before we know it, we’ve gained some extra weight, we’re not sleeping well, we feel stressed and the thought of exercising daily seems like a big challenge.
I can help you reduce the overwhelm, and take the steps you need to live the life you want.
Here are 5 steps that will help you succeed.

1. Ask Yourself A Question
What is it about getting out of the rut that motivates me the most? Here are some examples that might resonate with you.
‘ I want to be able to keep up with my energetic kids / grandkids.’
‘ I want to lose some weight and feel more confident in my clothes again.’
‘ I want to live in a way where I feel calm, without feeling stressed all the time.’
‘ I want to be able to hike, play golf, swim, paddle board…’
‘ I want to slow the aging process’
‘ I want to have more energy and not feel weary all the time’
Choose a couple of core desires to have as your driving motivation.
2. Make A Promise To Yourself
Deciding on a couple of action steps is next. Make them achievable, and make them explicit. Please don’t commit to going to the gym everyday if that’s not something you usually do. When we set goals that are too lofty or too much of a change, it’s simply too hard to maintain. I don’t want you to feel like you’ve had another failed attempt. Achievable, tiny steps are the key!
I know this works. It’s the way to build momentum and succeed.
‘I’m promising myself that I’ll go for a 20 minute walk on Monday and Thursday this week.’
‘I promise myself that I’ll make a pot of soup on Sunday afternoon and have it in the fridge for snacks throughout the week.’
“ I promise myself that I’ll do pilates two times this week, on Tuesday and Friday morning before work.”
3. Make It Easy For Yourself
Removing obstacles will make it easier to stick to your good intentions. Planning ahead with some meal planning and food shopping will make dinner time easier. Perhaps you make a batch of healthy cookies to have in the freezer for the days when you’re craving a sweet treat. Maybe you make a pot of soup that you can have on hand for snacks throughout the week.
Setting aside some time for exercise will also help you stick with your goals.
Look ahead. Plan. Prepare. Set your intentions. —> Make your plans simple, achievable and make the steps small.
4. Give Yourself A Time Frame
Telling yourself you’re going to eat healthily for a month is filled with good intention, but hard to actually do! It’s better to break down your goals into bite size timeframes.
“I’m going to cook a healthy meal tonight and have some fresh berries and natural yogurt for dessert instead of ice cream.” ( I only say this example because this is one of my promises I give myself regularly!)
5. Reward Yourself
After a week of leaping over obstacles, and ticking off your promises to yourself, give yourself a reward. This could be buying yourself a treat like a new lipstick, taking yourself out for a coffee, soaking in a bubble bath, buying a new book or journal or taking some time to pursue a creative project.
Book a free 15 minute conversation with Beth to help you get out of a rut, and start living in a way that makes you feel your best.
This is your year to look after yourself! I know your future self will thank you for making this decision today!
Fill in this form with the comment “ Hi Beth, Yes, I’d like to chat.”
And I’ll be in touch soon!