I was teaching a live Pilates class last night, and I was absolutely shocked when I realised that 40 minutes had flown by and it was time to wrap up. 

I think these classes are the best. You get into the zone, and your sense of time becomes warped. 

I can’t tell you the amount of times, I tell my clients they are all done with their studio session, and they glance up at the clock in disbelief that the hour has gone by!

Pilates classes are often like this. This is because when we become very mindful of our internal state, our breath and our senses, our perception of time changes. 

On the other hand, I’ve been in exercises classes where I am constantly looking at the clock, and the minutes tick by.  Oh. So. Slowly.

Women have told me they believe that the harder the experience, or the more challenging to get through, the better it must be for them. It’s simply not the case. 

I found my body changed and I became strong and toned when I did the exercises I enjoyed. And I didn’t even have to do full hour classes for this to happen. 

This was a revelation to me and such a welcome realisation, as it meant that I could do 15 minute workouts which didn’t hurt, I didn’t get sweaty and I didn’t need to shower afterwards. This was the key for me to become my healthiest self.

When I think about committing to 15 minutes a day, it becomes achievable. Even now, as I’m home with the family in lockdown, and could fit in an hour a day, it still seems like a hurdle or a mental obstacle for me. It seems like more of a big deal. I begin thinking, “I’ll have to commit to the hour, not be interrupted, get my Pilates clothes on…” All these things come up for me and then I don’t do anything.

Thinking of my commitment of 15 minutes everyday sits well with me. It removes any pressure of high expectations. I like the feeling of ticking it off my list and having that sense of accomplishment.

The consequences of not following through with big ambitious goals of exercise regimes or extreme eating plans can be so disheartening. This alone can put you back and prevent you from taking action again. 

There is power in doing what you decide to do. So, when you plan to get healthy, make the goals achievable so you won’t let yourself down. I bet you don’t let others down. You wouldn’t not show up to a coffee date with a friend. Be the same kind of faithful, true, committed woman to yourself. 

In my own life, I can see how I can slip away and do my 15 minute moves and be done in a flash. Very often, once I get started, I do more. I call this, ‘Tricking my brain’. Tell yourself it’s just 15 minutes and get it done. If you end up loving it and doing more, then that’s a bonus. 

I show women that you can see amazing results in your body with just 15 minutes a day. It’s hard to believe, but I did what I could in 15 minutes a day and saw a transformation. Not only am I proof that this works, but my clients have reaped the benefits too. 

The trick is knowing what moves to do that work. The exercises are not fancy. You don’t need equipment or even trendy workout clothes. You can do these on your bedroom floor and you’ll begin to see yourself getting stronger, feeling more confident, feeling proud of your progress and pleased with yourself by sticking to your word.
Friends, you can do this. I’m here to show you exactly what moves to do and how to make them work for you.

Click below to see what one of my 15 minute Pilates sessions looks like. – Join in with me too!

I’ll see you then,



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mypilatestime lets you add an engaging

Enjoyable Form Of Exercise To Your Life

Without Changing Your Busy Schedule!

It’s the on-demand solution for getting in-tune with your body and feeling better than ever before. You can join any class from the privacy and comfort of home – so you don’t need to make that pilgrimage (because that’s what it feels like sometimes) to the gym or fitness studio. Press play and get started – it’s that simple!

With a variety of packages, MyPillatesTime gives you access to an online library with hundreds of ready-made pilates classes tailored to your specific needs. Whether you’re a complete beginner just getting started or a seasoned pro looking to learn some new tips and tricks, you’ll get exactly what you need at the touch of a button. 




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