So you’ve been going well with your workouts, and feeling good. But what happens when you lose your flow? Your momentum will surely weaken at some point, and it’s in these moments that we need to draw on something to keep us going and stir up the energy and enthusiasm again.
It might simply be that you’re tired one week, the kids are sick, or you’ve had lots of visitors. Things happen which change the ebb and flow of life. It’s no good fighting these things, but recognise the effect they have on us and be aware enough to bring your commitments and goals back into alignment. – Without beating yourself up! I’m a big believer in being kind to yourself. This may sound silly, but positive, gentle self talk is good for the soul and will give you the boost to get back on track. Remember, be kind to yourself. Encourage yourself and be positive. Negative words or thoughts won’t help you. They will block you.
Here are my 4 Practical tips for Success
- Lay out your workout clothes.
I find this is so helpful. If I have an early class, I lay everything out the night before. Socks, undies – the whole lot. That way, when the alarm goes off, I don’t have to think about it. Just put your feet on the ground and get dressed. If you’ve decided to get up for a class or an early morning walk, stay true to what you have decided.
- Think of your exercise time as a privilege, not a chore.
This is time you have to yourself, where you can think about your body and enjoy moving. Changing your words will help change your heart. Say, “ I get to do my Pilates now!” Not “ I have to do my Pilates.” I also think of how I’ll feel after the workout. I know I’ll have more energy, and I know that when I lie in bed at night, I’ll feel happily tired and sink into bed and sleep.
- Find your Friends
When you are accountable to good friends, they will encourage you. You want to find people, who will inspire you, and motivate you to keep on with your goals. So when the kids are sick, or you are fighting off a sore throat, this friend gives you grace to take care of yourself, and lets you know it’s okay pull back from the fitness plan. They will also be there to meet you at the class or on your walk when you are ready to get back into the swing of routine.
- Reward yourself
Plan ahead so you can reward yourself with good, simple pleasures. Here are some ideas which appeal to me.
A coffee date with a friend after class. (Just avoid the double choc chip muffin!)
A new lipstick
Take some time out during the day to read a book
Buy a nice magazine
Splurge on some special tea and make a big pot.
Light some candles and use some essentials oils for a soak in the bath
I’m sure you can add your ideas to this list!
Remember, accept the way your life can change day to day, and find ways to stay mindful and motivated.